Monday, September 29, 2014

FTP Server Setup Steps for Ubantu

  • Create folders /FTPSites/WarehouseOptimizationFTP/ for FTP users home directories.
    • mkdir -p /FTPSites/WarehouseOptimizationFTP/
  • Install package vsftpd
    • apt-get install vsftpd
    • add-apt-repository ppa:thefrontiergroup/vsftpd () (I was facing problems when trying to lock ftp users to their home directory, found this solution for it in a blog)
  • Edit /etc/vsftpd.conf (If required uncomment the fields or change it from YES to NO or vice versa)
    • listen=YES
    • anonymous_enable=NO
    • local_enable=YES
    • write_enable=YES
    • local_umask=022
    • dirmessage_enable=YES
    • use_localtime=YES
    • xferlog_enable=YES
    • connect_from_port_20=YES
    • data_connection_timeout=1200
    • ftpd_banner=Welcome to TWO FTP service.
    • chroot_local_user=NO
    • chroot_list_enable=YES
    • chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
    • secure_chroot_dir=/var/run/vsftpd/empty
    • pam_service_name=vsftpd
    • rsa_cert_file=/etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem
    • # Passive mode
    • pasv_enable=YES
    • pasv_min_port=1024
    • pasv_max_port=2048
    • # Keep non-chroot listed users jailed
    • allow_writeable_chroot=YES
  • Edit /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list and add the users which will use the FTP server, the ftp users that were in the vsftpd.chroot_list are listed below.
    • ftpusertest
    • nestleewm
    • woftptop
    • ftpwoindia
    • ftpwonetperception
    • ftpwonz
    • ftpwoohio
    • ftpwoorbit
    • ftpwotenn
    • ftpbkpconagraapal
    • ftpbkpdemo4coke
    • ftpbkpdemo6apal
    • ftpbkpdemoRMT
    • ftpbkpdreyers
    • ftpbkpibmtwo
    • ftpbkpkraft
    • ftpbkpkrftibm
    • ftpbkpnestle
    • ftpbkppepsiapal
    • ftpbkpschenck
    • ftpbkpschenckbkp
    • ftpbkptest6apal
    • ftpbkpTWOWEB
    • ftpwoalert
    • ftpwopgaps
    • ftpwowebadmin
    • ftpwowoolumsr
    • ftpwostarzynski
    • ftpwopanwar
    • ftpuatbkp
    • SacKapi
    • ftpchris
    • ftpwosumin
    • ccj007
    • ftptwowebsitebackup
  • service vsftpd restart (this will put all the changes to the conf file to affect)
  • Test using a ftp client (i.e FileZila). Make sure that the ftp users are unable to go above their home directory, here is is defined as /FTPSites/WarehouseOptimizationFTP/.